Flixtion is the next generation in raster-to-vector converters. It defines images with vertexes rather than Bezier curves which makes the creation or editing of clip art and photoshopping not just possible but actually easy.
The polyline paths in Flixtion are so doggedly precise that every pixel is placed in the correct color grouping! The smallest and most pixelated image can become high-resolution wallpaper that looks this good.
Then for something completely off the wall, Flixtion can add gradients if the vector image (SVG) is converted back to raster (PNG) which adds so much realism that it is hard to detect that it was once vector. The image can be edited in vector to prevent pixelization and output as real as a photo. Photoshopping and clip art will never be the same.
Try it out for FREE! You only need to register to get enough credits to edit 300 megapixels of images. After those are gone, you can puchase 6 months of credits (if you are the average user) for the price of a hamburger.
Flixtion is the beginning of something big in both gaming and video. Do not get behind; try it out now!